Monday, March 25, 2013

Andrew Johnson vs Bill Clinton (Impeachment)

AndrewJohnson Trial

-Viloated Office of Tenure Act (Act that prevented the president to remove an official officer)

-Tried to remove the Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton

-Impeached by the House of Represenatives

-Impeached February 24, 1868

-Trial lasted for 4 months

-Senate voted Guilty=35 Not Guilty=19

Bill Clinton Trial

-Impeached by the House of Represenatives

-Sued by Paula Jones for a sexual harassment case (Perjury)

- Tried to cover up his sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, convincing her to lie under oath.  (suborning perjury)

-February 13, 1999, the Senated decided to allow President Clinton to complete his terms.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Johnson's 10 Major Accomplishments!

-Negotiated the price of Alaska from Russia.

-Went against Congress' Tenure of Office Act

-Helpful to the Southern states

- Served in the Senate after his Presidential term expired, showing that he still would work even after being impeached.

- Protected the powers of the Executive branch

-Stood against Radical Republicans

-Succeeded Abraham Lincoln

-Created new federal Civil Rights

-Nominated as the vice presidential candidate in 1864 on the National Union Party ticket

-Signed Civil Rights Bill

Andrew Johnson Political Cartoon (LOL)!

How did Andrew become President?: Letter from the man himself!

How did I become President? Here's the story!:

Well back in '65,when Abe and I was working together to discuss the possibilities of his Reconstruction Plan, many people seemed more suspicious of him than trustworthy.

After his mind was made up, things were going exceptionally well. It wasn't until Abe decided to take a little time off and enjoy himself- just him and his wife- that everything ...
changed. Little did he know that the theatre would be the place he would take his final breath.

A man of the name John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abe. After that, it almost seemed as though the world ended. But the question still remained- who will run the country now? The answer..............was me.


Since I was the Vice President, I was next in line to be President. I was pretty confident about taking this most honorable position, but it almost seemed wrong to take the place of a brave man like Abe. It just didn't feel right :/

I eventually accepted the fact that it was my turn to run the country, and I planned on doing my best! I wanted to make Abe proud!

That's the story folks! I must admit-like before-I shed a couple tears while writing this. Since I've grown older, I've learned to live with it. Though it still tends to keep me awake @ night and haunt my dreams.....

Presidential Roles

 -Member of the U.S. House of Representatives  (1843-1853)

-15th Governor of Tennessee (1853-1857)

-Military Governor of Tennessee (1862-1865)

-16th Vice President of the U.S.  (1865)

-17th President of the U.S. (1865-1869)

- Democrat

Personal Background

 -Born on the 29th of December in the year 1808 in his hometown of North Carolina in a small little cabin.

-Had two siblings: A brother named William and a late sister Elizabeth.

-  Ran away with his brother William when I was fifteen.

- Started a great tailoring business in Greenville, Tennessee! It was there that he met his wife Eliza!

- Lived in Greenville with his wife and 5 kids.

My childhood home...

My current home!